Bitter-sweet Tuesday 13th...

Rainy, cold weather Traffic jam Great colleagues, lots of smiles :) Meeting organization issues Hierarchy miscommunication Lack of ownership Frustration Incomplete remuneration No dinner Happy online chatting times Loads of smiles =) be continued....  ...

Pasta & magic

"Life is a combination of magic and pasta!" Federico Fellini Tedious day at work Happy lunch break Pleasantly surprising invitation to dinner Penne with olives and cauliflower sauce cooked with love Delicious french rose wine Loads of smiles Happy times! =) ...


OMG!!! How long has it been my dearest cibusonians???!!! Χρόνια πολλά!!! Hope you have not overdone it with stuffing yourselves after fasting! (or maybe not =P) So many things to talk about, so many stories to tell!!! It's been almost a year and a half since I've been here! What an adventure it's been!  Forgot my blog password, left my beloved Greece for work related issues,  so many new things, new people, new friends, new habits, more work, less free time... First stop the Czech Republic, second Luxembourg... (to be continued) =...


ThE uLtImAtE eNeRgY dRiNk!!!=P  From Haiti with luv!=) EnJoY!!!=D ...

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